Brooding your chicks

Released on = March 6, 2006, 7:40 am

Press Release Author = Fairview Hatchery

Industry = Agriculture

Press Release Summary = Get your orders in now for the 2006 season.

Press Release Body = CHICK CARE: Brooding, Watering, and Feeding

Your newly hatched chicks are not completely helpless, but until they grow a full
complement of feathers, you will need to keep them warm and dry. You will also need
to protect them from dogs, cats, and any other animals that could harm them. As
with all types of babies, they also need to be kept clean and well fed.

Brooders provide a temporary home for the chicks until they have enough feathers to
keep themselves warm. Following is a list of what your brooder should provide:

*adequate space
*protection from predators
*protection from moisture
*a reliable heat source
*freedom from drafts
*good ventilation

Chicks can go without water for the first 48 to 72 hours after they hatch. The
sooner you can get them to drink water, the less stressed they\'ll be and the better
they\'ll grow. A general rule of thumb to figure the water requirement for your
chicks\' age is to divide the age in weeks by 2 and this will give you how many
gallons you should provide per 100 chicks per day. Following is an example for
water requirements:

*4-week-old chicks need about 2 gallons of water per day per 100 chicks

You should feed your chicks within 3 to 5 hours after they have had their first
drink. Yolk reserves provide nutrients that allow newly hatched chicks to survive
while being shipped by mail.

The best feed to supply your new chicks is chick starter as it is higher in protein
and lower in energy than rations designed for older birds. Some brands of chick
starter are medicated. Whether you need to use medicated starter depends in large
part on your management style. You should use medicated starter if:

*you brood chicks in warm, humid weather
*you brood large quantities of chicks at a time
*you brood one batch of chicks after another
*your sanitation isn\'t up to snuff

We are ramping up production for the 2006 season. You can always place your order
on our website ... no matter what time of day or night! Get your order in as early
as you would like, keep in mind that just because you place your order now, you can
request them to arrive 3 weeks or more from your order date! Get your orders in

We offer a wide selection of Brown Egg Layers, White Egg Layers, Bantams, and some
Rare breeds for those of you who like them just as pets, or for show. Visit our
website for our complete listing of breeds.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Donna
18795 S. 580 W.
Remington , 47977


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